The PatTrac team
General Updates

PatTrac 3.0 Roadmap

AUTHOR: The PatTrac team

We plan to release a public beta of PatTrac 3.0 in the Fall of 2023 with the following features.

  • The underlying data structure will remain the same as PatTrac 2.0 which means there will be no data conversion needed. We continue to make changes to PatTrac 2.0 to ensure a seamless transition to PatTrac 3.0. The only exception at this point maybe with Authentication and Authorization (Users/Roles).

  • PatTrac 3.0 will be a Web client first. We will still have a Win version of 3.0 available.

  • PatTrac 3.0 will be usable on multiple devices including iPads, Android Tablets, iPhones, and Android Phones.

  • Authentication of users will be handled by Google or AzureAD. We will still have standard authentication available.

  • We will be implementing a new Authorization Model (Roles) that includes Explicit Denial, Navigation Control, and Action Permissions.

  • We will be moving the underlying Data Model to a new ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) that should provide the following features;

    • Removes an additional abstraction level from the data, which we hope will provide better performance.

    • Provides a complete API (Application Programming Interface) to all data elements without having to write additional code while still following all Authentication/Authorization restrictions.

If you have any questions, comments, or enhancement suggestions please email or submit a ticket at

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