The PatTrac team
General Updates PatTrac 3.0

PatTrac/TranTrac Permission Changes Webinar

AUTHOR: The PatTrac team

We intend to migrate the current System security model in PatTrac and TranTrac to the new Permission Security model used in our 3.0 products. This change will allow users to test the new 3.0 version of PatTrac and TranTrac while still allowing access to 2.0.

To that end, we will hold a webinar on September 18th at 10:30 am. We will have a recording of the webinar available shortly after the meeting. The meeting should last no more than an hour with a question and answer period.

This webinar is intended for System Administrators of PatTrac. Please feel free to share this email with your local PatTrac Administrators.

The meeting information is available below;


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