The PatTrac team
General Updates Clinic Billing Accounting Environmental Health Vital Records Inventory

Weekly Update Roundup - March 9

AUTHOR: The PatTrac team

Environmental Health

  • Added "Application Approval Date" to all Property Applications.

  • Implemented Tags to be used in Establishments, Properties, and Property Applications.

  • Added additional Views to be able to search for assigned Tags for Establishments, Properties, And Property Applications.


  • Inventory Events are no longer posted when the Event is saved.

  • Inventory Events now have a "Post" button that will update the included Assets included in that Event.

Vital Records

  • When scheduling Vital Record Appointments you can now select the Days of the Week you would like the Appointments created within the included Date Range.


  • Added a CCU Agency Identifier in Agency Maintenance that will be needed in the update CCU Adjustment file creation process.

  • Updated the CCU Adjustment file creation process to adhere to the correct format required by CCU.

  • The CCU Adjustment file will need to have the Patient CCU Identifier defined in the Patient->Identifiers section of the Patient Record. This Identifier will need an Application Code of "CCU".


  • Added an Encounter Type option that will ONLY include those Treatment Plan Goals that were addressed in a Group Note. This will require that each Goal address be checked. If this option is not selected Encounter Group Notes will continue to include the complete Treatment Plan.


  • Vendor Contracts now include fields to track the following;

    • SDI Contract Status

    • SDI Approval Date

    • SDI Contract Notes

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