The PatTrac team
Updates Clinic Billing

Weekly Update Roundup - October 14

AUTHOR: The PatTrac team


  • Collection Batch Export will now export two separate files, one for Debt Referrals and another for Debt Adjustments. The filenames it extracts are now different per CCU requirements.

  • A Payer Claim Batch can now be flagged as a Voided Batch prior to creation and submission.

  • Patient Adjustments will now save the Encounter and Activity in the Adjustment posted to the Patient's Ledger.


  • The default Asset's name now includes the Barcode in dropdown menus.


  • Treatment Plan Problems, Goals, and Interventions can now be flagged for those that address an SDOH (Social Determinants of Health).

  • Admission Order Referrals can now be flagged for those that address an SDOH (Social Determinants of Health).

  • Some Encounter Observations have been renamed to USCDI v3 recommendations.

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