The PatTrac team
Updates Billing Inventory Payroll Splits

Weekly Update Roundup - October 28th

AUTHOR: The PatTrac team


  • We added a new Cost Account field in Program Maintenance. For example, PCA of E801N would have a Cost Account of 3701. This field will be used when importing Payroll files.


  • Corrected Merging of Patient Billings Notes.

  • Implemented new MDH EDI Servers for Eligibility checking.


  • added Security Classification option for Assets.

Payroll Splits

  • We now capture the payroll import file's raw data into each employee check. You can add this field to the individual checks list view. This should help identify import errors and identify employees that do not get selected because of Last Name and Pin No mismatches.

  • We added a new calculated field to display the "Program Distribution Percentage" to the Employee records in order to verify that Active Splits total 100%.

  • When importing a Payroll file it will first look for the Cost Account, included in the import file, in the Program record and use that Program/PCA for the Payroll entry instead of the Employee's Funding PCA value.

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